Wednesday, 23 August 2017


I had the most enchanting day today, I went to recharge my batteries in Nature, In a place that is very special and dear to me. I took my foraging basket looking for elderberries and off I went..
Although I was really tempted to get some from an Elder Tree that grows two minutes from my place, next to the entrance of a big supermarket.. thinking, is there anyway, breathing the same air i breathe, it's roots on the same soil that my roots are, pouring with berries that nobodies wants or pays attention even. I had to hold that thought has I don't trust supermarkets.
The  greatness of this tree.. The  fact that it's called Elder Tree makes me want to treat it with respect and when I walk past, on my way to work every day I say hello. 

But then I decided to continue my walk and get to my intimate space, Is probably not only my own intimate space, but I like to think that I am the only person living in London who goes there, makes it more special. 
I started to walk around, saying hello, weaving my hand, touching, stroking, breathing in, feeling alive. As if I entered at a family gathering, where you know everyone but you haven't seen them in a while and they have really missed you and you have really missed them. 
I was so happy walking around noticing how autumn is almost here, even if we are in August! I was welcomed my Bittersweet nightshade ( solanum dulcamara) and how ironic they were growing entangled and embraced with the blackberries, poison and edible, death and life. It made me think, meditate on the message that Nature has for us, a way of doing things that goes above this polarities, in a safe place where peace lives. 

Then Johnny discovered a very large patch of red clover, how wonderful! To see all this pink richness and purity popping up like jumping starry lights, how happy this flower look, what energy boost it gave me just standing there contemplating it's magic.  On my knees I was studying it from close, and then the real magic started.. 
After the red clover surprise,  the plants started to connect with each other and they informed every plant in the place, at their social gathering, that there is a plant nerd about! They tested me to see if I was safe for them, then, after I passed the test ( It varies all the time, sometimes I don't pass it) they showed me the way.. 

Self heal ( prunella vulgaris) appeared, fireweed ( chamerion angustifolium), yarrow ( achillea millefolium), and more blackberries. I was completely commanded by the plants, I let them transport me wherever they desired, then a crab apple tree appeared, and an elderberries with no berries appeared, small inhabitants of the place came  before me, eating them all,  but that's ok! My reward was the abundance of medicinal plants that  decided to show themselves to me, and I got to know them in person what a delight!

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