It's quite a contradiction that I live in one of the largest city in the world, London.
Never mind though, let's go back in time and see how I started my journey with my heart centered natural skincare business Lu's hands.
I moved to London after some insightful but very crazy years, that I spent travelling around the world, in November 2010. I didn't really know what to predict from this place, I came here without any expectations, although deep inside myself, I did give London the responsibility to put all the pieces of my soul back together, they were so many of them, scattered all over.
Never really been passionate for anything, I was quite a sedated, passive average girl without passion for life and it's gifts.
Nothing really impressed me, not because I felt somehow superior, but it came from the lack of interest I had for life. (I remember I would walk on my own for hours, go to one place to another, looking for something somehow spiritual, Like it was a lost object or something that you once hold dear. Empty handed, I would come back to my shared home, throw myself on the bed, looking at the ceiling, waiting to be hungry or for a phone call or anything, that could satisfy the insatiable feeling I had in my stomach.
Since I can remember, even when I wasn't really the happiest of creatures, ( I'm glad these times are now part of the past) I had a vast curiosity towards the natural world. I was a spectator of how everything worked together in perfect harmony, in the plant and animal kingdom. It refreshed me to go for a walk in the city parks, getting lost in the scent of the seasons, listening to the birds sing.
I made friends with all the scare crows and squirrels, the carps in the public fountains, the Robins, and of course the plants.
I started to get excited, and feel a sort of emotion inside, have real feelings inside and my heart of ice started to melt.